You can reset/change your password and update/change your security questions by using the tools in the links shown below:

Reset Your Password /Forgot Your Password

If you already have a valid Messenger User ID, you can change your current password here. Also, if you have forgotten your password, but have already set up security questions and answers, you can reset your password here. You will need to answer one of your three security questions correctly in order to change/reset your password. Your new password must be at least eight characters in length, at least one character must be a number, and no special characters are allowed. Letters in passwords are case-sensitive. For example, a password should be combination of letters and numbers, such as 'abcdef123456' or 'A1b2C3d4E5f6', etc.

Change Your Password / Set up or Change Security Questions

If you would like to change your password or set up or change your security questions, please select the link shown above this paragraph. For new and current Messenger users, you must select and provide answers for three security questions when changing your password. Please select the questions from the drop-down list shown on the screen. Subsequent password changes require that you answer one of your selected security questions correctly.

If you incorrectly type your User ID and/or Password five times, Messenger will not be available to you for five minutes. However, if you go to the Reset Your Password / Forgot Your Password link and answer at least one of your security questions correctly, Messenger will allow you to reset your password and regain access immediately.

If you need assistance with your User ID or password, please email