Notice ID: | 8875 |
Notice Type: | GEN |
Critical: | N |
Notice Status Description: | |
Reqrd Rsp Desc: | |
Posting Date/Time: | 2020-12-14 08:14:00.0 |
Subject: | Stingray Abandonment Notice |
Notice Effective Date/Time: | 2020-12-14 08:14:00.0 |
Notice End Date/Time: | |
Notice Text: |
Non-Critical Notice for Stingray
On December 11, 2020, Stingray filed an amendment to the abandonment application filed in CP20-528-000, where it is seeking abandonment authorization for its facilities upstream of WC 509. This amendment is being filed due to the destruction of the manifold platform at HI A330 that occurred due to Hurricane Delta in October 2020 as well as damage to the 24" lateral that connected the platform to the 30" Stingray segment. The HI A330 platform, which Stingray jointly owned with HIOS/Genesis Energy (who was the operator), was the location of an interconnect between the HIOS system and the Stingray system. This interconnect and all associated facilities were destroyed with the destruction of the platform.
Genesis has informed Stingray of its intention to abandon by removal all platform facilities. Stingray is seeking authorization for the abandonment by removal of its portion of the HI A330 platform. Stingray is also seeking authority to abandon in place its damaged 24" lateral that connected the HI A330 platform to the Stingray system as Genesis has indicated its intention not to reestablish an interconnect at this location.
The 30" Stingray segment, which runs from WC 565 to WC 509 and to which the 24" lateral was connected, was also impacted by the damage to the upstream facilities. Further assessments need to be completed, including isolating the 30" from the damaged systems and measures needed in order to return this segment to service. |