TSP: 006968077 TSP Name: ENABLE MISSISSIPPI RIVER TRANSMISSION, LLC Critical Notice Description: Critical notice Notice Effective Date: 02/10/2025 Notice Effective Time: 12:50 Notice End Date: 00/00/0000 Notice End Time: 00:00 Notice Identifier: 5167 Notice Status Description: Initiate Notice Type: Operational Alert Posting Date/Time: 02/10/2025 12:45 Required Response Indicator Description: No response required Response Date: Response Time: Subject: LINE A-180 SPW Notice Text: Enable Mississippi River Transmission, LLC ( MRT ) is issuing this System Protection Warning ( SPW ) effective immediately as of February 10, 2025, and continuing until further notice to inform Shippers utilizing MRT s Line A-180 (Delivery Points 90225 and 90065) that MRT is experiencing significant non-ratable gas flows and hourly deliveries in excess of contract limitations and capacity of MRT s Line A-180 jeopardizing A-180 s service reliability. Shippers utilizing Line A-180 and Delivery Points 90255 and 90065 are reminded that MRT s Tariff requires that Shippers, with the exception of Shippers taking service under Rate Schedule NNT, take gas from the MRT system at their delivery points at uniform hourly rates. MRT s Tariff further requires that these Shippers: (a) nominate receipts and deliveries that are equal in quantity (exclusive of Fuel Use and LUFG); (b) keep receipts and deliveries in balance; and (c) conform receipts and deliveries to Scheduled Quantities. Due to the threat of Line A-180 s reliability resulting from the non-ratable gas flows and hourly deliveries in excess of contract limitations and capacity on MRT s Line A- 180, MRT is requiring all Shippers utilizing MRT s Line A-180 that are not taking service under Rate Schedule NNT to abide by the requirements noted above and the terms of their transportation agreements with MRT. Failure to comply with this SPW may result in Shippers being issued an individual OFO. This SPW shall constitute prior notice under MRT s Tariff that an OFO may be imminent. Nominations will be confirmed and scheduled in accordance with MRT s Tariff. This SPW will be updated as circumstances warrant. For a more readable version of this document click Here