TSP: 6968077 TSP Name: ENABLE MISSISSIPPI RIVER TRANSMISSION, LLC MRT POSTED IMBALANCES Imb Per: DECEMBER 2024 Stmt D/T 19-Jan-2025 07:00:24.4 Posted Imbalances are subject to change and may not reflect current day trades. Refer to Cash-Out/Trade in ServiceLynx and contact Shipper for most current imbalance. Svc Req/K Holder Svc Req Name/K Holder Name Imb Dir Desc Posted Imb Qty OIA Svc Req Contact Svc Req Phone Svc Req E-mail ---------------- ----------------------------------- ---------------- -------------- ------------- ------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------ 006968077 KOCH ENERGY SERVICES, LLC Due FROM Svc Req 2,762 ML Field MATTHEW ANDERSON 346-407-0474 MATTHEW.ANDERSON@kochind.com 006968077 PHILLIPS 66 ENERGY TRADING LLC Due FROM Svc Req 31,333 ML Market ROSS BLACK 832-817-7406 ross.black@p66.com 006968077 SPIRE MARKETING INC. Due TO Svc Req 17,201 ML Field KAYLA HULL 314-919-7542 Kayla.Hull@spireenergy.com 006968077 SPIRE MARKETING INC. Due FROM Svc Req 5,022 ML Market KAYLA HULL 314-919-7542 Kayla.Hull@spireenergy.com 006968077 UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY D/B/A Due TO Svc Req 80 ML Market BRANDON FORREST 314-613-9500 bforrest@ameren.com The Gas Trading Period is closed. Please see MRT Notices: Non-Critical Notices for the next available Gas Trading Period.