TSP: 006968077 TSP Name: ENABLE MISSISSIPPI RIVER TRANSMISSION, LLC Critical Notice Description: Not a critical notice Notice Effective Date: 05/11/2024 Notice Effective Time: 09:00 Notice End Date: 00/00/0000 Notice End Time: 00:00 Notice Identifier: 4907 Notice Status Description: Initiate Notice Type: TSP Capacity Offering Posting Date/Time: 05/09/2024 07:11 Required Response Indicator Description: No response required Response Date: Response Time: Subject: MRT OPERATING PLAN 5.11-13.24 Notice Text: Enable Mississippi River Transmission, LLC (EMRT) Operating Plan Gas Day(s): 5/11-13/2024 Posting Date: Thursday, May 9, 2024 Marketing Representative: Office: Cell: E-mail & ICE IM: Daniel Pena 713-989-7956 713-301-6570 FALSE Daniel.Pena@enerytransfer.com and ICE IM: dpena Notices For more detailed information on the Notices, please see our website: http://pipelines.enablemidstream.com/MRT.html Notice No. Type Subject Date End 4892 Critcal Storage Withdrawal Timing Update 4/26/2024 5/19/2024 4869 Critical Planned Unionville EOS Shut In 5/20/2024 6/1/2024 Based on current conditions, EMRT estimates that the following capacity may be available for the gas day(s) specified above. However, conditions are likely to change, resulting in less or more of such capacity actually being available. In the event that, prior to the applicable nomination deadline, EMRT becomes aware that significantly more or less capacity may be available, EMRT will revise this posting. Estimated Interruptible Transportation (DTH) Area Delivery Point Available Capacity East Line NGPL Shattuc 25,000 East Line Trunkline 25,000 Main Line TETCO 0 West Line Dixie, NGPL Harrison 0 Main Line Perryville 0 PALS - Park and Loans Estimated Availability (DTH) Location Parks Loans SM Sale SM Purchase System Wide Total 50,000 0 0 0 East Line 0 0 0 0 Main Lines 0 0 0 0 Perryville 50,000 0 0 0 West Line 0 0 0 0 Interruptible Pool Transfer Capacity (Dth) Estimated Pool Transfer Matrix TO West Line Field Main Line Market Main LMarket ReticulatedMarket East Line From West Line 25,000 0 0 0 Field Main Line 25,000 0 0 0 Market Main Line 25,000 25,000 0 0 Market Reticulated 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 Market East Line 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Shippers interested in System Management gas purchases or sales please contact Daniel Pena at 713-301-6570 or email Daniel.Pena@enerytransfer.com *Customers and potential customers should note that requests for interruptible service may begin to be awarded as soon as this report is posted on EMRT's web site and awards may continue as long as capacity is available. In order to maximize system utilization, EMRT cannot establish a fixed time or deadline by which it will award requests for next gas day, short-term, interruptible service. Instead, EMRT uses the best information available to it each day regarding market conditions to determine the time at which it should award next day capacity. *For points not shown above and/or other transportation requests, please contact your EMRT Marketing Representative. For a more readable version of this document click Here