TSP Name: ENABLE GAS TRANSMISSION, LLC TSP: 87-267-0161 Amend Rptg Desc: Changes Only Post Date: 2/3/2025 Post Time: 0730286 K Holder Name: COKINOS ENERGY CORPORATION K Holder: 006 80 1588 Affil Desc: NONE K Stat: A Tracking No: 0052551 Svc Req K: 1012304 IT Qty - K: 0 K Roll: Y K Beg Date 10/1/2023 K End Date 10/31/2023 Rate Sch: IT Rpt Lvl Desc: Point Max Rate Beg Date: 0/0/0 Max Rate End Date: 0/0/0 IT Loc Purp Loc Ind Desc Loc Zn Loc Loc Name Qty - Loc Desc ---------------------- ------- ------ ------------------------- ------- ------- Individual Location(s) CP 220091 EMP DASTO LINE CP-3 5000 Receipt Location Individual Location(s) CP 292279 GULF RUN @ CP-3 TO ST-1 5000 Delivery Location Rate Rate Chgd Max Trf Max Trf Rate Ngtd Rate Mkt Based Chgd Ref Rate Ref Desc Ind Desc Rate Ind --------- --- ------- -------------- --------- --------- 00.070000 DIS 0.2201 Tariff No No Disc Beg Date: 2 1 2025 Disc End Date: 2 28 2025 Loc/QTI Desc: Receipt point(s) to delivery point(s) quantity Rate ID Desc: Commodity Surchg ID Desc: Surchg Ind Desc: Rate(s) stated include only rates; no surcharges applicable Tot Surchg: Terms/Notes: Contract Holder shall also provide and or pay, as applicable, Fuel Use and LUFG allowances and charges, including, but not limited to, surcharges as provided in Tariff. If specific Pooling Area Pools are indicated as Receipt Locations, the reference is to all generally available Pools and Additional Individual Receipt Points in such Pooling Area. The Rate Chgd herein apply only to the services described above, including without limitation, the quantities, locations, and terms stated above; all other services will be provided at maximum Tariff rates, including any applicable Fuel Use, LUFG and surcharges. EPC (CUS) Surcharge shall be applicable except as otherwise provided in Tariff. Compressor Usage Surcharge (CUS), if applicable, is subject to change semi-annually and/or subject to FERC approval. Transaction not posted timely due to data entry error or late data entry in electronic contracting system.