TSP Name: ENABLE GAS TRANSMISSION, LLC TSP: 87-267-0161 Amend Rptg Desc: All Data Svc Req K: 1012288 K Holder Name: COMANCHE RENEWABLES, LLC K Holder: 115 98 1597 Affil Desc: NONE Tracking No: 0052527 K Stat: N Post Date: 12/30/2024 Post Time: 1604016 K Qty-K: 750 Contract Duration Contract Entitlement IT Qty-K: 0 K Beg Date K End Date K Ent Beg Date K Ent Beg Time K Roll: Y 1/1/2025 12/31/2044 1/1/2025 0900000 Min Vol Qty - Non-Cap Rel: K Ent End Date K Ent End Time Min Vol Pct - Non-Cap Rel: 0.00 1/1/2045 0859000 Cap Type Name: Primary Transaction Term Begin Date Transaction Term End Date: 1/1/2025 12/31/2029 Loc Purp Loc Zn Loc Loc Name Desc ------- ------ ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- West 2 293211 LAWTON RNG RECEIPT Receipt Location West 1 003068 PEPL @ CUSTER DEL Delivery Location Loc K Max Press: Loc K Min Press: K Qty - Loc: 750 It Qty - Loc: Rate Sch: FT Seasnl St: 0/0/0 Seasnl End: 0/0/0 Rpt Lvl Desc: Point Res Rate Basis Desc: Per Day Rate Form/Type Desc: Blended Rate(combination of reservation and volumetric charges) Rate Rate Chgd Max Trf Max Trf Rate Ngtd Rate Mkt Based Chgd Ref Rate Ref Desc Ind Desc Rate Ind Disc Beg Date Disc End Date --------- --- ------- -------------- --------- --------- ------------- ------------- 01.072500 TAR 0.2528 Tariff Yes N Loc/QTI Desc: Receipt point(s) to delivery point(s) quantity Rate ID: 141 Surchg ID Desc: Compressor Usage Surcharge Surchg Ind Desc: Rate(s) stated do not include any applicable surcharges; surcharge detail and surcharge total provided Tot Surchg: 0.00220 Cap Type Name: Primary Transaction Term Begin Date Transaction Term End Date: 1/1/2030 12/31/2044 Loc Purp Loc Zn Loc Loc Name Desc ------- ------ ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- West 2 293211 LAWTON RNG RECEIPT Receipt Location West 1 003068 PEPL @ CUSTER DEL Delivery Location Loc K Max Press: Loc K Min Press: K Qty - Loc: 1025 It Qty - Loc: Rate Sch: FT Seasnl St: 0/0/0 Seasnl End: 0/0/0 Rpt Lvl Desc: Point Res Rate Basis Desc: Per Day Rate Form/Type Desc: Blended Rate(combination of reservation and volumetric charges) Rate Rate Chgd Max Trf Max Trf Rate Ngtd Rate Mkt Based Chgd Ref Rate Ref Desc Ind Desc Rate Ind Disc Beg Date Disc End Date --------- --- ------- -------------- --------- --------- ------------- ------------- 01.072500 TAR 0.2528 Tariff Yes N Loc/QTI Desc: Receipt point(s) to delivery point(s) quantity Rate ID: 141 Surchg ID Desc: Compressor Usage Surcharge Surchg Ind Desc: Rate(s) stated do not include any applicable surcharges; surcharge detail and surcharge total provided Tot Surchg: 0.00220 Terms/Notes: Subject to receipt of necessary FERC approvals. The Max Trf Rate above is expressed as a blended rate derived by adding the Commodity Charge and the unitized Reservation Charge, calculated on an assumed 100% load factor basis on K Holder's K Qty-K. Overrun quantities at maximum rates unless otherwise agreed. Compressor Usage Surcharge (CUS), if applicable, is subject to change semi-annually and/or subject to FERC approval. Evergreen/Term Extension: After Primary Term End Date, the term of the Agreement will be extended for an additional term of five years ("Second Primary Term") unless Shipper provides written notice of termination to Transporters at least one hundred and eighty days prior to the end of the primary term. This agreement will then continue for a third primary term of five years unless Shipper provides written notice of termination to Transporter at least one hundred eighty days prior to the end of the Second Primary Term. Contract Demand: 750 Dth/d 1/1/25 - 12/31/29 1025 Dth/d 1/1/30 - 12/31/44 If scheduled maintenance or other operational circumstances adversely affect the availability of primary firm capacity under the Agreement and Transporter notifies Shipper of the availability of non-primary capacity to receive and/or deliver other than at the points specified above, then such optional non-primary points as designated by Transporter shall be deemed eligible for the rates quantities, and the period specified in the notice. Transporter may make such notification via e-mail, in writing or via Internet Web Site posting and the document in which such notice appears shall be deemed to amend this Agreement for the purposes hereof. In accordance with Section 19.8 of the GT&C of the Tariff, the parties hereby agree that Transporter shall retain, and not credit back to Shipper, credits for capacity releases to the extent amounts paid by or invoiced to Replacement Shipper(s) as, or attributable to, demand or reservation type charges exceed the amount of Shipper's invoiced demand component. Certain capapcity under this Agreement is subject to the Pre-Arranged Service procedures set forth in Section 10.4, GT&C of the Tariff. Accordingly, the capacity commitment is subject to the outcome of the bidding process and, if necessary, Shipper's election to exercise its matching rights, all as provided in Section 10.4. If such procedures require modification of the terms hereof, then the parties shall enter into such amendments to this Agreement as necessary; otherwise, the terms of the Agreement shall continue in effect and bind both parties. This Agreement is subject to the collateral or credit provisions as follows: Service hereunder required the construction of new facilities by Transporter. Accordingly, Shipper has executed a Credit Agreement with Transporter. Shipper shall abide by the terms of the Credit Agreement throughout the Primary Term of this Agreement.