TSP Name: ENABLE GAS TRANSMISSION, LLC TSP: 87-267-0161 Amend Rptg Desc: All Data Svc Req K: 1012445 K Holder Name: SOUTHWEST ENERGY, L.P. K Holder: 124 84 7810 Affil Desc: NONE Tracking No: 0052300 K Stat: N Post Date: 7/30/2024 Post Time: 1321501 K Qty-K: 15000 Contract Duration Contract Entitlement IT Qty-K: 0 K Beg Date K End Date K Ent Beg Date K Ent Beg Time K Roll: N 8/1/2024 8/31/2024 8/1/2024 0900000 Min Vol Qty - Non-Cap Rel: K Ent End Date K Ent End Time Min Vol Pct - Non-Cap Rel: 0.00 9/1/2024 0859000 Cap Type Name: Primary Transaction Term Begin Date Transaction Term End Date: 8/1/2024 8/31/2024 Loc Purp Loc Zn Loc Loc Name Desc ------- ------ ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- West 2 290209 IRON HORSE REC Receipt Location West 1 003068 PEPL @ CUSTER DEL Delivery Location Loc K Max Press: Loc K Min Press: K Qty - Loc: 15000 It Qty - Loc: Rate Sch: FT Seasnl St: 0/0/0 Seasnl End: 0/0/0 Rpt Lvl Desc: Point Res Rate Basis Desc: Per Day Rate Form/Type Desc: Blended Rate(combination of reservation and volumetric charges) Rate Rate Chgd Max Trf Max Trf Rate Ngtd Rate Mkt Based Chgd Ref Rate Ref Desc Ind Desc Rate Ind Disc Beg Date Disc End Date --------- --- ------- -------------- --------- --------- ------------- ------------- 00.150000 DIS 0.2528 Tariff No N Loc/QTI Desc: Receipt point(s) to delivery point(s) quantity Rate ID: 141 Surchg ID Desc: Compressor Usage Surcharge Surchg Ind Desc: Rate(s) stated do not include any applicable surcharges; surcharge detail and surcharge total provided Tot Surchg: 0.00230 Terms/Notes: If specific Pooling Area Pools are indicated as Receipt Locations, the reference is to all generally available Pools and Additional Individual Receipt Points in such Pooling Area. The Rate Chgd herein apply only to the services described above, including without limitation, the quantities, locations, and terms stated above; all other services will be provided at maximum Tariff rates, including any applicable Fuel Use, LUFG and surcharges. Max Trf Rate and Rate Chgd expressed as blended rates derived by adding the Commodity Charge and the unitized Reservation Charge, calculated on an assumed 100% load factor basis based on K Holder's K Qty-K, unless otherwise stated. K Holder pays Reservation Charge regardless of quantities transported. Overrun quantities at maximum rates unless otherwise agreed. Compressor Usage Surcharge (CUS), if applicable, is subject to change semi-annually and/or subject to FERC approval.