TSP: 872670161 TSP Name: ENABLE GAS TRANSMISSION, LLC Critical Notice Description: Not a critical notice Notice Effective Date: 02/12/2025 Notice Effective Time: 11:25 Notice End Date: 00/00/0000 Notice End Time: 00:00 Notice Identifier: 5930 Notice Status Description: Initiate Notice Type: Planned Service Outage Posting Date/Time: 02/12/2025 11:17 Required Response Indicator Description: No response required Response Date: Response Time: Subject: PLANNED SERVICE OUTAGES Notice Text: Revision Start Date End Date Prev StartPrev End Line / Facility Pooling Area Line Maintenance Potential Im O/A or News N 10/4/2023 TBD Line BT-1 / BT-1AN North Line BT-1 Line repairs 7 5669/5670 Y 12/3/2024 2/24/2025 12/3/2024 1/24/2025 Amber Station West Line AD Unit 1 / Rod and Main Bearing Replacements 1 N/A N 2/25/2025 2/26/2025 Bierne Station South Line S Semi-Annual Maintenance 1 N/A N 3/4/2025 3/5/2025 Cove Station Nuetral Line AC Semi-Annual Maintenance 1 N/A N 3/4/2025 3/11/2025 Line F West (Buckley to Red Chute) South Line F West Cleaning / SCP ILI Pig 6 N/A N 3/11/2025 3/12/2025 Delhi Station Zone 1 Gulf Run Semi-Annual Maintenance 8 5924 N 3/12/2025 3/18/2025 Line F-West (Red Chute to Ruston) South Line F West Cleaning / SCP ILI Pig 6 N/A N 3/13/2024 3/14/2024 Perryville Turbine South Perryville Hub Semi-Annual Maintenance 3 Required N 3/18/2025 3/20/2025 Byars Lake West Line AD Unit 2 / Overhaul 7 Required N 4/1/2025 4/3/2025 Byars Lake West Line AD Unit 1 / Overhaul 7 Required N 4/1/2025 4/9/2025 Ada Storage West Line AD Spring EOS Shut In 7 5928 N 4/8/2025 4/10/2025 Line AD (Sayre to Arapaho / Arapaho to West Line AD Cleaning Pig Runs 7 TBD N 4/8/2025 4/8/2025 Chandler Station Nuetral Line AC,O, O-1-O Station ESD Test 6 N/A N 4/8/2025 4/28/2025 Chandler Station Nuetral Line AC,O, O-1-O Unit 1 /Annual Maintenance 7 TBD N 4/15/2025 4/29/2025 Chiles Dome Storage West Line AD Spring EOS Shut In 7 5927 N 4/22/2025 4/25/2025 Allen Station West Line AD Semi-Annual Maintenance 8 Required N 4/22/2025 4/24/2025 Line AD (Amber to Ada / Ada to Chandler West Line AD Cleaning / AMFL Pig Runs 8 Required N 4/29/2025 4/30/2025 Malvern Station Unit 1 Nuetral Line AC Semi-Annual Maintenance 3 N/A N 4/29/2025 5/1/2025 Line O (Chandler to Red Oak) Nuetral Line O Cleaning / AMFL Pig Runs 6 TBD N 5/9/2025 5/20/2025 Line O (Red Oak to Dunn) Nuetral Line O Cleaning / EMAT Pig Runs 6 Required N 5/6/2025 5/20/2025 Chandler Station Nuetral Line AC,O, O-1-O Unit 2 / Annual Maintenance 3 N/A N 8/4/2025 11/3/2025 Chiles Dome Storage West Line AD Unit 1 / Electronics Upgrades 7 N/A N 10/6/2025 10/20/2025 Chandler Station Nuetral Line AC,O, O-1-O Unit 3 / Annual Maintenance 3 N/A N Aug TBD Aug TBD Chiles Dome Storage West Line AD Unit 3 / Valve Actuators 7 TBD N April TBD April TBD Amber Station West Line AD Units 1, 2, 3 / Semi-Annual Maintenance (one unit 6 N/A N April TBD April TBD Chiles Dome Storage West Line AD Unit 2 / Hydraulics - Pump Replacement (awaiting 6 TBD N May TBD May TBD Amber Station West Line AD Unit 4 / Emissions Test 3 N/A N May TBD May TBD Amber Station West Line AD Unit 4 / Overhaul 7 TBD 1. No capacity impact is expected at this time. 2. Coordinating with necessary loads. 3. Based on historical and current throughput, no capacity impact is expected. In the event nominations increase significantly, restrictions may become necessary. 4. Coordinating maintenance with interconnecting pipe to minimize customer impact. No capacity impact is expected at this time; however, if operating conditions change, affected parties will be notified. 5. Affected production notified of shut-in during work. 6. Customers may experience pressure fluctuations, but no capacity impact is anticipated. 7. Based upon customer nominations, restrictions may become necessary. 8. Based on all available information, capacity will be impacted. Capacity reductions will be done in accordance with the provisions of EGT's tariff regarding scheduling and interruption of services. For a more readable version of this document click Here