TSP: ENABLE GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY, LLC - DUNS:872670161 Posting Date/Time: 08/14/23 18:09:04 AM Report Type: NO-NOTICE ACTIVITY Eff Gas Day: 07/02/23 9:00:00 AM End Gas Day: 07/03/23 8:59:59 AM LocProp Loc Loc Name Loc Type No-Notice Qty ________ ________ __________________________ __________ ______________ 93214 239429 NORTH POOLING AREA M2 10,596 93206 239421 SOUTH POOLING AREA M2 14,255 93216 239431 EAST OF AMBER POOLING AREA M2 2,211 93218 239433 WEST OF AMBER POOLING AREA M2 1,467 742100 159132 GREELEY GAS @ CALDWELL MQ 37 805241 287998 PEOPLES TB/RE DELIV SUM MQ 55 730961 287226 RIMROCK SYSTEM MQ 3 803824 303365 SUMMIT OK FLEX DLAREA 6 MQ 39 803826 303361 SUMMIT OK W1 DEL AREA 8 MQ 75 808582 725981 CEGT STORAGE INJECTION IJ 28,320 Quantity is net of fuel. Reference EGTs FERC GAS TARIFF for fuel percentage effective on the applicable Gas Day. Location Type (Loc Type:) MQ - Delivery Location M2 - Receipt Location IJ - Injection Point WR - Withdrawal Point